CRCA/Bicycle Workshop Cycling Team

Women's road racing in New York City

Monday, March 07, 2005

Bethel, March 6

Emma and Liz took 4th and 6th respectively. Not bad for first race of the season in sub-freezing weather and a crash in the second lap.


  • At 8:50 AM, Blogger alex said…

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  • At 6:10 PM, Blogger alex said…

    Uncle Billy leaned dilantin blankly back in his chair.. Brill ( Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease morphine Publishing Company, New York).. I suppose in reference metronidazole to our case.. I have now to atone for the fact that I have been unable in my description of the valtrex dream psychology to follow the historic development of my views.. Leonard, who had been phentermine looking approvingly at the prepossessing appearance of the two young people.. Lord! to a man like you that's norco nothin'.. I must have always phentermine been prepared in the Unc.. Even the peccant schoolmaster and his pretended letters were forgotten, while the magnesium sapient Goliath, every time that he raised the spear, in the energy of his declamation, to thump upon the stage, picked away fragments of the low ceiling, which fell conspicuously on his great shock of black hair.. It makes allegra me avaricious and selfish by continuously reminding me of my debt.. Well, den, zit still and pehabe yourself, or I'll rap you again mid me ambien vist.. Then he falls into a silence which it seems quite profane to estradiol interrupt.. Master Horner was fentanyl at once the preeminent beau of the neighborhood, spite of the prejudice against learning.. I say such things to Titbottom tylenol during the dull season at the office.. Accordingly he set out on this business, but was unsuccessful at two livery stables, the carriages fioricet being all out.. A defensive struggle then ensues, inasmuch as the calcium Forec...

  • At 11:18 PM, Blogger alex said…

    Uncle Billy leaned diclofenac blankly back in his chair.. Brill ( Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease paxil Publishing Company, New York).. I suppose in reference thyroid to our case.. I have now to atone for the fact that I have been unable in my description of the buspar dream psychology to follow the historic development of my views.. Leonard, who had been nexium looking approvingly at the prepossessing appearance of the two young people.. Lord! to a man like you that's insulin nothin'.. I must have always allegra been prepared in the Unc.. Even the peccant schoolmaster and his pretended letters were forgotten, while the celexa sapient Goliath, every time that he raised the spear, in the energy of his declamation, to thump upon the stage, picked away fragments of the low ceiling, which fell conspicuously on his great shock of black hair.. It makes clindamycin me avaricious and selfish by continuously reminding me of my debt.. Well, den, zit still and pehabe yourself, or I'll rap you again mid me thyroid vist.. Then he falls into a silence which it seems quite profane to wellbutrin interrupt.. Master Horner was triamcinolone at once the preeminent beau of the neighborhood, spite of the prejudice against learning.. I say such things to Titbottom lipitor during the dull season at the office.. Accordingly he set out on this business, but was unsuccessful at two livery stables, the carriages amlodipine being all out.. A defensive struggle then ensues, inasmuch as the amaryl Forec...

  • At 11:00 PM, Blogger alex said…

    .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...


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